Monthly Archives: November 2018

Ending of autumn ’18

The season’s first snow happened, but we were away…

….part of the time we were where we used to be (just two blocks away from recent tragedy), and homesickness moved back for an extended stay for the first time in a long while.

The needles are all in WIP land – mostly that’s a good thing, but I’d rather be doing other things, so I started a fresh spin…

The garden hasn’t quite gone to bed – a few greens and root veggies are still hanging on – but I am done with it, and not ready to think about starting seed babies even though I’ve still got another month and some. And we just managed to eek in some apple-picking – still need to crank out a pie (or two).

I was also on the other coast for a bit – filling myself with tacos and seeing folks I rarely see.

And I’m still pondering the next things, though finally getting back to some of my past things…

…including looking at old photographs again, and maybe collecting them (on a reasonable, very cheap basis) once more.

Around the house things are slowly getting purged and organized, and the new deck still needs to be sealed but the the weather hasn’t agreed, but I’m spending most of my time wiping up muddy dog paintings and other domestic repetitions, so our home renovation, though not entirely complete, has entered the we’ll need to replace that in a year, or two, or three and require other people more than us (roof, etc.) stage.

So ’tis the season for staying in, hunkering down, and getting a lot of little shit done!

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Filed under collecting, home, spinning, travel